EIHDZ drops the banger "Sweeter"
EIHDZ (pronounced eye-dz) is a Canadian singer-songwriter-composer living in Montreal. With 8 years of classical piano and 15 years of vocal coaching and practice under her belt, the millenial has composed and performed since the age of eleven. She went on to study gospel, musical theatre and written composition in College and University before developping into a recording artist in 2017. Writing alongside artists such as Laye, Barnev, Myles Castello, Raayon, Elle Ray, etc. she was alotted a travel grant with the SOCAN for her recent trip to Los Angeles as a songwriter. Alongside the 31 East publishing company, EIHDZ created her first single, Parachute, produced with duo NeoWIDE.Her brand new video and single "Sweeter" is now available everywhere.